Meditation is a funny subject. For some it invokes a feeling of peace and tranquility that it is meant to, while others get anxious and defeated with just the mention of the word meditation. A lot of the perception behind what someone feels about meditation comes from what they know about it. So let’s take a deeper look into what meditation is and what benefits it can offer. For the right brainers in the group the Deepak Chopra video will explain how meditation can be a powerful tool for transformation. The left brainers will enjoy getting a better understanding of how meditation can increase focus and decrease anxiety in the short video called The Scientific Power of Meditation. Has your interest in meditation been peaked? Want to give it a try? As a bonus, I've added one of Deepak Chopra's videos on how to get started. As always, the comment section is just below waiting for all your thoughts and insights!
How to meditate
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